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Light and Comfort Spanish-Language Religious Sympathy Card

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Religious sympathy greeting card features a die-cut design of graceful doves soaring through the trees with a clear acetate overlay, embossed details and metallic ink accents. Message in Spanish with English translation on back.

Con el más sentido pésame, Cuando Dios llama a Sus hijos a Su morada celestial, los recibe con cánticos de gozo y paz.
With Deepest Sympathy, When God calls His children home, He welcomes them with songs of joy and peace.
Ahora que tu ser querido está reuniéndose con el Señor, le pido a Dios que en Su infinita misericordia inunde tu alma de luz y consuelo.
Por tanto, confortaos unos a otros… 1 Tesalonicenses 4:17-18 LBLA
As the Lord welcomes your loved one home, I pray that He fills your soul with His light and comfort.
Therefore comfort one another… 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 NASB
5.75" x 8.5"
Includes one card and one envelope with a Gold Crown seal. Envelope color may vary.